Product Range

TRUAMP Digital Panel Peter
Advanced panel meter 40 segment analogue scale 4 digit numeric display custom scaling annotations and messages on alarms,. User scalable via 16 preset dipswitch positions or completely custom scaled via free software. Inputs -VOLT 0-600VDC 0-528 AC TRMS DC & 30-4000 hZ. -AMP 0-5A direct or via CT 0-1000A Max contuinuous voltage 0-30VAC or 0-60VDC FREQ - 0-400 hZ Voltage 10-528V, IP65 72 x 72, supply 12 - 24VAC/DC
Combine the advantages of traditional moving coil meters with the features and accuracy of modern digital panel meters. Change backlight colour and intensity on thresholds, annotations and messages on threshold. 40 segment analogue scale 4 digit numeric display. User scalable via 16 preset dipswitch positions or completely custom scaled with 20 point linearization via free software. Inputs 0-50mA (4-20mA) 0-10V, 2 x 4-20 ma or digital outputs. IP65 72 x 72, supply 12 - 24VAC/DC
APM-PROC-APO Panel Meter for 4-20mA 0-10V
APM-AMP-APN Panel Meter for AC/DC Current
APM-VOLT-APN Panel Meter for Volts
APM-FREQ-APN Panel Meter for Frequency
APM-CT-APO Panel Meter for Current Transformers
APM-SHUNT-APO Panel Meter for Current Shunt
APM-RATE-APO Panel Meter Rate Measurement
APM-M2-APO Volt Amps Freq Panel Meter 100-240VAC
NEW!! Multi-Input user programmable single phase Voltmeter, ammeter or frequency meter with two 500mA static digital and single analogue retransmission output. 100-240 Volt AC supply
The APM-PWR-APO is a highly visual, easy to configure, compact, digital power meter. It is designed for use on The APM-PWR-APO incoorporates Modbus RTU and a single analogue output and 2 opto-isolated digital outputs
The Trumeter APM-MAX-23 Process display is a large display, multi-colour RGB back-lit LCD panel mounting meter for 4-20mA, 0-10V, and current shunt inputs.
APM-MAX-M21 is for energy and power applications; configurable as an ammeter, volt meter, frequency meter or power monitor (Watts, VA & Power Factor) both units available with ethernet connection and RS485 providing Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus RTU communications.
STR551 Panel Meter
STR551 Bargraph digital indicator. 5 digit bargraph, trend or numeric display, programmable horizontal or vertical orientation. OLED Display, universal input 4-20mA 0-10V, thermocouple, RTD with transmitter power supply. 4-20 mA or 0-10 V output, Modbus RTU standard
S311A Programmable Digital Indicator
S311A Digital indicator is available in -4 4 digit,-6 6 digit,-8 8 digit & -11 7 digit top & 4 digit lower display version (for applications such as flow rate and total display) It has programmable thermocouple PT100 mV 4-20mA 0-10V Ohms inputs with 18V sensor power supply. Isolated 4-20 ma / 0-10v or pulse output standard. IP65 48 x 96 x 98 bezel (h*w*d) accuracy 0.05%, supply 12 - 24VDC or 90-240VAC. Optional SOPZ card offers ModBUS RTU, digital input & 2 SPDT relay
N24 series Panel meters
N24 large 20mm 4 digit, cost effective panel meters with rugged specification. Thermocouple RTD, 0-10V 4-20mA, 0-400VAC, 0-5A AC versions. 24VDC supply or 230VAC optional with transmitter power supply. IP65 48 x 96 x 64 bezel (h*w*d) Scaling & decimal point selection via free software
N25 series 5 Digit Panel meters
N24 large 15mm 5 digit,panel meter with rugged specification. Thermocouple RTD, 0-10V 4-20mA, 0-400VAC, 0-5A AC versions. 24VDC supply or 230VAC optional with transmitter power supply. IP65 48 x 96 x 64 bezel (h*w*d) Scaling & decimal point selection via free software
S315 4-20mA Meter
S315 4 digit 4-20mA loop powered digital LED display. Max volt drop 7V accuracy 0.05 %. Scaling & decimal point selection is via a short menu using the keypad which can be password protected
S312A Digital Indicator with Multi-Relay
S312A 4 digit panel indicator accepts thermocouples PT100 mV 4-20 mA 0-10 V Ohms. Select either 12 .. 24V DC / 19..29VAC or 80..240VAC supply with 18V transmitter power supply, 4 relay outputs & isolated 4-20 ma / 0-10v or pulse output standard. IP65 48 x 96 x 98 bezel (h*w*d) accuracy 0.05%.
ATR243 Display
ATR244 primarily a controller, can be used as a powerful 1/16 DIN, IP65 digital panel meter with up to 4 switched outputs, a 4 to 20mA or 0 to 10V retransmission, 12/24V selectable transmitter power supply and inputs, 4 - 20 ma, 0 - 10v, thermocouple, PT100, potentiometer & mV. The lower display can be switched off in digital indicator mode after 10 seconds
S315-IP66 IP66 Field Mount display
S315-4-IP66 Loop Powered Panel Meter Technical Data
S315 mounted within an IP66 enclosure, 4-20mA loop powered, field mount display
S311D frequency Display
S311D Pulse / Frequency input digital panel meters are available in -4 4 digit,-6 6 digit,-8 8 digit & -11 7 digit top & 4 digit lower display version (for applications such as simultaneous flow rate and flow total display) It has programmable NPN PNP transistor reed switch hall effect variable reluctance input with 18V sensor power supply. Isolated 4-20 ma / 0-10v or pulse output standard. 48 x 96 x 120 bezel (h*w*d), supply 12 - 24VDC / 18-28VAC or 90-240VAC. Optional SOPZ card offers ModBUS RTU, digital input & 2 SPDT relay
STR571 Modbus Display
STR551 is a new generation, extremely compact operator panel for Modbus RTU. It has 2 RS485 ports (1 master, 1 slave) and can therefore can be associated with any 2 wire device that communicates according to standard Modbus RTU protocol. The STR551 can perform read or writes for up to 8 registers in any Modbus word format. Alternativley enumerative function allows up to 4 messages to be assigned to register number for status message display. In addition 2 relays can be assigned to variable as alarm outputs & 3 logic inputs can be used for a number of functions including alarm reset
S401 Modbus Display
S401 is a compact operator panel for Modbus RTU. It has 2 ports (1 master, 1 slave) and can therefore can be associated with any 2 wire device that communicates according to standard Modbus protocol. The S401 can perform up to 20 reads, 10 writes over several pages & perform 27 maths functions, configuration can be via front push button or the free EASY software ultility
147 Large Digital Panel Meter
Large digital Panel mounted industrial display with 38mm high digits can be viewed from distances typically up to 15 mtr. The 2.3" LED segments are adjusted for 8 levels of brightness. These meters are stocked with programmable I/V 0-5, 0-10V, 0-20mA 4-20mA inputs; version (P) and also available with inputs for thermocouple and RTDs; version (T) which is programmed via a local keypad or remote IR programmer. Standard power supply 19-50VDC, 16-36VAC, 12AC/DC is also available as an option
457 Large Field Mount Display IP66
Large digital Field mounted industrial display with superbright 57mm high digits can be viewed from distances typically up to 25 mtr. The 2.3" LED segments are available in red, green, or blue or a multicolour version which can change colour on threshold. These meters are stocked with a standard power supply 19-50VDC have universal input which can be programmed via a local keypad or remote IR programmer
W410 Extra Large Field Mount Display
Large digital Field mounted industrial display with 100mm high digits, programmable for 8 levels of brightness. Can be viewed from distances typically up to 50 mtr, can be programmed via RS485 using free software, a local keypad or remote IR programmer
W510 Extra Large Modbus Master or Slave Display
Large digital Field mounted 100mm high LED with 5 digits for indication of data via Modbus RTU master or slave protocol on RS485 network. programmable with 8 levels of brightness. Typical viewing distance up to 50 mtr, can be programmed via RS485 using free software, local keypad or remote IR programmer
DPMX Display
THE SERIES DPMX EXTRA LARGE DIGITAL PANEL METER can be easily viewed from across a room or in dark areas. The 2.3" LED segments are available in red, green, or blue. These panel meters come equipped with a universal power supply and following user selectable process inputs; B1200 mVDC, B12 VDC, B120 VDC; Adjustable Voltage: 200 mVDC, 5 VDC, 10 VDC; Adjustable Current: 0(4) to 20 mA DC.
Input Impedance:Set Voltage: >1 MN) (>10 MN) on 200 mV range); Adjustable Voltage: 392 kN); Adjustable Current: 300N) nominal.Accuracy:B1(1% F.S. + 1 count).
Power Supply:90 to 250 VAC @ 12 VA or 10.5 to 30 VAC/DC @ 6 VA (depending on model).
Display:3-1/2 digits, 2.3" height, 7 segment LEDSampling Rate:3 readings per second.